Do colleagues and referral sources ask you that question? Is there someone you know who might be a great Collaborative professional? We have the perfect opportunity for you to invite other professionals who either may become Collaborative professionals or may just be great referral sources for Collaborative business to learn about the Collaborative Process.
Next Monday, August 16th at 4 p.m. Eastern the founders of My Collaborative Team will present a one-hour webinar that will answer the question and explain the Collaborative Process, the roles of the professionals and how the Process is used in some jurisdictions to relieve the Court’s dockets, provide underserved communities with a chance to use the Process and provide practitioners with an opportunity to improve their Collaborative skills.
On our Friday Happy Hour calls we constantly hear professionals from across North America state that the best way to bring in new professionals to the Process, or the best way to inform potential referral sources is to “take them out to lunch.” But with the current limitations due to Covid, that isn’t always possible. My Collaborative Team is therefore providing you with this opportunity to spread the word about the Collaborative Process.
To register yourself or your colleagues for this free webinar CLICK HERE.