Systems Thinking and Its Relevance to the Collaborative Process, hosted by Randy Heller, PhD, LMFT, LMHC. Dr. Randy Heller, Adjunct Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy at Nova Southeastern University, will present a 60 minute webinar on Family Systems Theory - teaching you how an understanding of this theory can transform your Collaborative Practice by enabling and empowering you to develop the necessary mindset to make the continued paradigm shift and do your best work. An understanding of this theory and its application is so important that it is now included in the requirements for credentialing in Florida.
MCT Ethics Panel: A Discussion on Collaborative Ethics and Marketing, Ed Sachs, President of MCT along with Bob Merlin and Adam Cordover, Collaborative Attorneys and Dr. Carol Hughes, Collaborative Coach discuss how ethics impacts your marketing and your competence as a Collaborative professional. Join the discussion and let us hear your opinions too.
The above webinars come with a small fee for non-members and free to all My Collaborative Team members. If you would like to obtain a recorded copy of any previous webinar, please email the My Collaborative Team webmaster.

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