We Can Change the Landscape!

We Can Change the Landscape!

From the desk of My Collaborative Team President, Edward S. Sachs, ACP

One of the biggest problems of the Collaborative movement are the misconceptions that family litigators have about our Process.  We must take every opportunity to spread the truth about how the Collaborative Process really works.  At a recent FACP conference we heard that many family litigators believe we ignore the law in the Collaborative Process.  They don’t believe they can make as much money.  Whenever we can spread the truth about how the Process really works to family lawyers, we help the Process grow.

This Wednesday, April 2nd, a panel presentation is being made to the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML) entitled Redefining Advocacy: How Collaborative Practice Has Changed the Landscape.  My Collaborative Team member and friend Neil Kozek, along with Anne Robinson Lucas and Stacy Preston Collins, and moderator Donna Genovese will have just that opportunity to spread the truth about the Collaborative Process to a captive audience of family litigators.

I encourage everyone to attend this presentation.  The charge is $50 for Fellows and $75 for Non-Fellows (that’s us!).

CLICK HERE to register.

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