To Terminate or Not to Terminate?

To Terminate or Not to Terminate?

On a recent Collaborative Listserve post, Kevin Scudder of Seattle stated that he felt that the termination of Collaborative cases is underrated and described Collaborative practitioners as being under trained in how to terminate cases.  This topic led to a spirited discussion this past Friday on the MCT Happy Hour.

Some attendees on the Happy Hour agreed with Kevin while others questioned the premise.  Bob Merlin raised the concern that “while we may see red flags from the beginning, how can we possibly conclude in advance that the Collaborative Process will not work?”  Michelle Daneshrad of California replied, “Perhaps it is okay to do our best rather than predict and never give it a chance.”

Kristen Boldt of Iowa believes that being willing to terminate serves the integrity of the Process.  “I think if the clients are not respecting the Process or have come in with improper intent, I think it is important for professionals to recognize that and terminate.”

“It is critical to differentiate whether or not you and the Team want it more that the clients,” opined Dr. Candice Saketkoo.

“This all speaks to being nimble.  We have to adapt and be flexible in our approaches,” added Tanya Prioste.

Join us this Thursday at 4 p.m. Pacific Time for a SPECIAL WEST COAST HAPPY HOUR where we will continue this discussion on termination.  Can the professionals terminate a Collaborative matter?  How do you terminate a matter when no progress is being made?

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