With the coming of the new year, it is time for all of us to begin thinking about what we might do differently in 2022 to help enhance our Collaborative practices.
My Collaborative Team is working on several new initiatives all with the theme that we have chosen for 2022. That theme is based on the feedback we have received from Collaborative professionals across North America that the number one reason they can’t make a case Collaborative is because the other attorney is not Collaborative. Thus, our theme is to attract as many new professionals as possible to the Collaborative world.
Next week I will present the MCT Collaborative Learning Program that will kick off in late January. We have put together an advisory panel of esteemed MCT members and are finalizing the program this week.
Another major initiative of My Collaborative Team will be a Practice Group Partnership program. In our Friday Happy Hours, we have heard some of our participants talk about the dysfunction of their Practice Groups while others talk about the great successes their group has had overcoming various issues. We want to pair Practice Groups based on their needs and successes for a joint meeting to discuss their plusses and minuses. Let’s learn from each other and make our Practice Groups stronger.
If your Practice Group would like to participate, please contact me at [email protected].
Join us for the last two Friday Happy Hours of 2021, this Friday the 10th and next Friday the 17th as we talk more about our initiatives and we ask you to tell us about what new initiatives you will be embarking on to improve your Collaborative practice.