Marketing Includes Recruiting

Marketing Includes Recruiting

Written by My Collaborative Team President, Edward S. Sachs, ACP

On this past Friday’s Happy Hour, we talked about how practitioners can increase the number of Collaborative matters they have. One of the biggest obstacles that attendees talked about was not getting their client to choose Collaborative but convincing the other spouse to do the same.  Oftentimes the other spouse has already gotten an attorney, most likely not Collaboratively trained.

South Florida Collaborative Attorney Fernanda Pedrosa gave one of the most definitive and encompassing answers to this problem that I have heard in a while.

She spends as much time recruiting new Collaborative professionals as she does marketing for new clients. Her premise is brilliant. The more Collaboratively trained professionals, the greater the chance the “other spouse” has chosen a Collaborative practitioner.

That is why My Collaborative Team has made it our mission over the next year to increase the number of Collaboratively trained professionals.  We will be encouraging our members to invite a non-trained professional to our webinars, our Happy Hour and other events.

The more professionals Collaboratively trained, the more cases there will be.  It is that simple.    

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