It has long been hypothesized that parents with children who have special needs are more susceptible to a divorce. While there truly is no concrete evidence to support this theory, there are plenty of studies that children with...
Welcoming the Client in a Virtual World

Many of us are trying to build in efficiencies with client intake. At our firm, we’ve moved from paper forms, to fillable PDF’s and now to a...
Consider Using a Scribe

A week ago, I received a call from a Collaborative professional in Panama City, Florida. David Smith is a financial neutral who has been trying to get the Collaborative Process going in his neck of the woods. Unfortunately, in 2018...
Teamwork and Trusting The Neutrals

I was involved with a collaborative case that by all accounts was as smooth as one could hope to have in the collaborative process. Husband and Wife set forth their interests and goals from the outset and stuck...
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