Keeping Up With the Times!

Keeping Up With the Times!

From the desk of My Collaborative Team President, Edward S. Sachs, CPA.

The challenge in today’s new world is how to keep up with the times and the changing way in which we will be doing business in the near future and in some cases, forever.

During our recent CollaBARate! Happy Hour sessions there have been many questions raised about how people can get trained to become Collaborative professionals. IACP currently requires that the 14-hour basic training be conducted live. A task force has been formed to look at this issue. In the meantime, My Collaborative Team is speaking to training groups around the country about how we can produce and promote a virtual version of the 14-hour Introductory Interdisciplinary basic Collaborative training. We recognize that the training will need to be expanded and held over a number of days. We recognize the challenge that training teams will have in making sure that they maintain the attention and interest of the attendees. It is all a part of the challenge for both the training teams and IACP in possibly setting new standards for the training.

If you are a training team and would like to discuss this challenge with My Collaborative Team, please contact me at [email protected].

In the meantime, My Collaborative Team is moving forward with a schedule of informative webinars over the next four to six weeks. The mission of My Collaborative Team is to provide marketing and educational opportunities to help our members build a more successful Collaborative practice utilizing our digital and virtual marketing outlets. We believe that education and marketing go hand in hand. Our educational programs provide our members with a chance to gain the knowledge, competence and confidence to better sell the Collaborative process to potential clients and to the public.  

Tomorrow we will have a special CollaborEAT! session on the financial markets and their effect on settling divorces. On May 11 we will be having a panel discussion on Ethics and Marketing. On May 19, Jacinta Gallant will conclude our CollaborEAT! series on selling the Collaborative Process. Also, in the coming weeks watch for webinars on Digital Assets, dealing with clients on the autism spectrum, and a CollaborEAT! discussion on Collaborative Etiquette.

For more information on our upcoming events and to learn more about WHO WE ARE, visit our website at

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