Join Us Tomorrow at the IACP Forum

Join Us Tomorrow at the IACP Forum

If you haven’t already had a Collaborative matter with a family with a special needs child, you will.  And if you have had one you know the special challenges that it brings.

We invite you to join us tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. (Eastern) as My Collaborative Team presents SPECIAL NEEDS FAMILIES AND THE COLLABORATIVE PROCESS. 

Our team of experts will guide you from the initial intake through the settlement agreement with helpful hints, suggestions, and guidance on how to best serve clients with these needs.  Hear Beckie Fischer’s personal story of her divorce from a husband who would not recognize that their son was on the autism spectrum.  Learn what questions to ask, what special arrangements and special needs must be met.  And most importantly, learn why the Collaborative Process is the only venue for these types of cases.

We look forward to seeing all of our MCT members and our many Collaborative friends and colleagues at this inspiring webinar “Oh the Pos-abilities!”

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