Get Involved With The IACP

Get Involved With The IACP

We often talk about growing your confidence and competence as a key component to becoming the best Collaborative Professional you can be. My Collaborative Team not only encourages you to join IACP, but we also encourage you to be active in one of its many committees. Serving on an IACP committee can be been an extremely gratifying and educational experience we want all of our members to take advantage of. 

The following invite comes from MCT member and IACP Treasurer, Robert J. Merlin. 

IACP will be accepting Expressions of Interest for those of you who are interested in serving on an IACP committee. Here is the link to submit your Expression of Interest, which must be submitted by 8:00 pm EST on November 12, 2020.

The list of committees can be found at: 

IACP encourages member participation in one or more of its 13 committees, some of which are chaired by FACP members. Join an IACP committee to expand your international Collaborative connections. 

My Collaborative Team encourages all its members and all Collaborative professionals to join and be active in IACP. 

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