Written by My Collaborative Team President Edward S. Sachs
For many professionals reading these blogs, the amount of schooling that was needed to obtain the credentials and certifications you practice with took more than the traditional four-years of college level education. For many of you there were years of focused study and intense learning. To be a trained Collaborative Professional, you must complete at least 16-hours of an Introductory Interdisciplinary Collaborative Training. For many of our readers, it took years of formal education to even be able to legally provide the current services you are providing, but only 2-days to become a Collaborative Professional. Is that truly enough time and education?
To be a true peacemaker in your community, you must be committed to providing your services in a peaceful manner. Continuing your education and learning new process and skills on how to provide your services in a peaceful manner must extend past the rather short Introductory Interdisciplinary Collaborative Training. Getting trained is rather easy and just the beginning. Getting committed and growing your confidence to provide a more peaceful approach to the services you offer is the hard part that takes time.
This is what My Collaborative Team is here for. We help our members stay committed to being the best peacemakers possible. We provide outlets for members to continue their educational journey down the peacemaking path. If you are looking for someone or something to get or keep you motivated to becoming the peacemaker your community deserves, consider joining My Collaborative Team. For more information on My Collaborative Team visit our website www.mycollaborativeteam.com or email us [email protected]