From the desk of My Collaborative Team President, Edward S. Sachs, CPA
In today’s new world of Zoom it is so much easier to expand our community from which we not only get business, but from which we gain greater knowledge and understanding.
Several weeks ago, I received an email from Ingrid Roosild of the New Mexico Collaborative Practice Group. Her members wanted to connect with other Collaborative professionals. Last Friday Ingrid and four of her colleagues joined the My Collaborative Team Happy Hour. We had a great conversation discussing what is going on in New Mexico and hearing what their problems and concerns were. What they learned is that their issues are the same as others from around North America experience.
Most importantly, however, was that connections were made. This is how you expand your community. Randy Heller shared on the call that through the connections she has made through the Happy Hour that she has now spoken and made connections with Collaborative groups in Connecticut and California. Referrals have been made between MCT members.
To quote Ingrid…”So nice to connect with like-minded people across the country!”
I invite you to join us on Friday’s between 4:30 and 6:00 Eastern. You will be stimulated with the topics we discuss and have fun with the comraderie of the group. And don’t miss our trivia at 5:30. The competition is fierce!
See you on Friday!