Convincing the Other Side

Convincing the Other Side

We often hear that the toughest part of making a Collaborative case is getting the other side to agree to the Process.  Often the reaction by the other side is that if their spouse is suggesting it, then it must be bad or something that will benefit the other spouse.

This discussion came up again this past Friday on the My Collaborative Team Happy Hour. MCT member Nancy Brodzki offered a letter she has crafted for sending to the other side. Nancy was gracious enough to share that letter with us which you may find to be a resource you consider using to convince the other side to go Collaborative. Here is a link to Nancy’s letter which you are more than welcome to edit and use on your own.

Another idea is to suggest that both parties have a consultation with one or both potential neutrals. MCT member Ronda Fuchs and I always offer this opportunity and are willing to do such a consultation for free. I believe most neutrals would be willing to do the same.

Finally, don’t be afraid to bring both spouses together for a consultation that JUST DISCUSSES THE PROCESS.

No matter what, don’t give up!

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