Get Invited To The Clubhouse

Get Invited To The Clubhouse

Written by My Collaborative Team member, Nanci A. Smith.

Greetings Collaborative Colleagues.  Leila Parviz and I want to encourage your curiosity about joining Clubhouse, the on line (iPhone only at the moment, Android to follow soon) voice app to help promote public awareness of Collaborative Practice.  This app is an opportunity to create space for both your professional and personal identities. It offers a broad and diverse community of professional users who might be curious about Collaborative Practice.  We educate in an informative and casual way. It is like having a live radio show where you can share information and take questions, or hear from the other members of the room.  We just need to show up consistently and deliver value.

Leila and I have been exploring the app and the various divorce rooms on it.  There was no one in the Collaborative Divorce space, so we created a club called Collaborative Divorce.  It’s under Nanci Smith.  I am not attached to the logo so alternative design ideas are welcome.  The real value to our community will come when we start to show up on the app consistently as a counterweight to the more traditional talk about negative and toxic divorces and we learn to promote our Clubhouse conversations on other social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.

We are curious about who else in our community is interested and available to help create content and a schedule (optimum is 3 x week for an hour or more at different time slots, since the app is global in reach and runs 24/7). Once we get organized about it, we will present functional teams to the public and we can create an efficient schedule on topics that are close to your heart and expertise on any aspect of Collaborative Practice that you want to talk about!  The best rooms are run by moderators who plan in advance the topic, the date and time, and who can share the “stage” with each other, engage in a meaningful conversation with each other and the “audience.” People on the app at any given time may randomly or intentionally drop in to the virtual room.  There are rooms that have audiences that range in size from 5 people to-15K at a time.    

Please let us know if you are interested in helping on the back end, or if you would like to put a team together on a topic and come on as a guest.  

Did I mention it is really fun?

Email Leila [email protected] or [email protected] if you are interested.

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