Collaborators or Peacemakers?

Collaborators or Peacemakers?

Written by My Collaborative Team President, Edward S. Sachs, ACP

Over the past months we at My Collaborative Team have been discussing the question of whether we should be striving to be good Collaborators or Peacemakers. At our Introductory Learning Program and on our weekly Happy Hour we have explored whether we, as professionals, should just be focused on the Collaborative Process or should we be focused on being the best Peacemakers that we can be.

Woody Mosten discussed with us the idea that we needn’t change the services we offer but how we offer those services. We should be providing Peacemaker services, which includes the Collaborative Process as well as other options for settling clients’ issues. We must change our attitude and outlook on how to provide the services we provide. Be open to flexibility.

One of the main reasons a lot of us professionals made the commitment to get Collaboratively trained was because we saw the destruction the legal system can have on families. We wanted to be able to utilize the skills we already had to provide a more peaceful service to those in need. Our minds were set on being peacemakers and providing services outside of a courtroom.

Ultimately, once we make the commitment to get Collaboratively trained shouldn’t our measurement for success be how many families we have helped keep out of court and not so focused on a set number of Collaborative matters handled? ? Is the goal to be a Collaborative Professional or is to be a Peacemaker?

As we conclude the Collaborative Introductory Learning Program over the next two months and began planning our Advanced Training Program for 2023, we hope to continue this discussion.  Your viewpoint is always welcome, and we encourage your feedback.

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