By: MCT Co-Founder Rebecca Fischer, FACP Practice Group Chair
I came to the Collaborative Process more than ten years ago. I truly came to appreciate the importance of this as an alternative to litigation when faced with almost 13 years of post-dissolution litigation. I realized after a painful ten-minute hearing involving the future of my child with special needs, a court room is no place for divorcing families and especially not the right venue to meet the needs of our children.
For those of us already in the Collaborative Process, we know the Process is our choice for peaceful resolution of all matters relating to dissolving marriages, including child related issues.
On Thursday, December 10 at 12:00 noon, FACP is sponsoring a webinar, “Collaborative Divorce: How Sensible is That?” Our panel of illustrious speakers is: Adam Cordover, Ed Sachs, Dr. Ronda Fuchs, Charlie Jamison, and Judge Andrea Gundersen. The webinar is specifically to educate non-Collaborative professionals, including members of the Judiciary, about the importance of the Collaborative Process as an option for divorcing couples
While our goal for this webinar is to assist those Florida Practice Groups struggling to grow their membership and attract new members to the Collaborative Process, this is also an ideal opportunity for emerging and well-established Practice Groups.
Feel free to reach out to professionals in your community in the hope of increasing awareness about and training new Collaborative Professionals. Invite them to watch this informative presentation.
Each of our speakers brings a different perspective on why the Collaborative Process is the sensible Process—the right Process, for divorcing families. From the “why” of Collaborative to the roles of the neutrals, and the unique perspective of a Judge involved with the Pro Bono Collaborative Project in Broward County, our attendees will receive a wealth of information we hope will convince them to get trained Collaboratively and consider the Collaborative Process when faced with clients seeking a divorce.
This webinar has been approved for CLE credit.
Please join us. CLICK HERE to register.