“Heading upstairs to see the family. Thank you, all! I love ending my week this way. Hope to see you next Friday”

From the desk of Ed Sachs, President of My Collaborative Team
Those comments come direct from the chat of Kenneth Klabunde of the Cincinnati Academy of Collaborative Professionals as he exited last Friday’s Happy Hour. If you haven’t joined our end of the week get-together, you are missing the chance to see and talk to your Collaborative colleagues from all over North America.
This past Friday we talked a lot about the “new normal.” Will we go back to the way things were? Do we want to?
Every week I have taken a poll of the attendees and have found that about half like working from home and working via Zoom and would love to do this in the future. Others can’t wait to return to the comfort of their offices. We have attendees from Canada, Ohio, Illinois, Oregon, North Carolina, Florida, New England and many other states. Most all agreed that they missed the ability to hug!
As we discussed the “new normal” the conversation turned to the cancellation and or postponement of organizational conferences. Washington got theirs in just as the pandemic started, however I know that California and Oregon had to cancel, and Florida has postponed to August for now. I believe the AFCC has postponed to late September.
Most on the call certainly supported the cancellations and were guardedly hopeful about the postponed events. But the interesting discussion was what to do in lieu of a conference. While everyone indicated they would attend an online conference, it seemed that most wanted it done over weeks instead of days. As several our mental health attendees suggested, it is difficult to stay on Zoom all day long. Those currently doing all day telehealth calls say it is exhausting.
We would like to hear from our readers. Has your state cancelled its conference? Would you attend a full slate of presentations given over a period of two to four weeks for one conference price?
Join us this Friday for more fun, relaxation and stimulating discussion. Join our CollaBARate! Happy Hour on Zoom (232 372 311), Friday's starting at 4:30PM EST.