Written by My Collaborative Team member, Jacinta Gallant, Esq.
I wrote this on a sticky note in 2018 and moved it around my office so I would always see it. Now the stickiness is...
Written by My Collaborative Team member, Jacinta Gallant, Esq.
I wrote this on a sticky note in 2018 and moved it around my office so I would always see it. Now the stickiness is...
Do colleagues and referral sources ask you that question? Is there someone you know who might be a great Collaborative professional? We have the perfect opportunity for you to invite other professionals who either may become Collaborative professionals...
How do you approach your Collaborative teammates when you feel professional alienation is taking place? Last week on the My Collaborative Team Friday happy hour, the following situation arose. One of our regular attendees told us about a...
One of the biggest things many people felt they lost during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic was human interaction and the ability to connect with others face-to-face. While that certainly was the case, we also had the chance to...
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