Congrats To Our MCT Member

Congrats To Our MCT Member

Written by My Collaborative Team President, Edward S. Sachs

My Collaborative Team is proud to have members throughout North America who work tirelessly to promote the Collaborative Process.

One of those members, Zanita Zacks-Gabriel was recently named the recipient of the inaugural Webb-Mosten Pennsylvania Peacemaker Award by the Collaborative Law Committee of the Pennsylvania Bar Association.  The award was established to honor a member of the PBA Collaborative Law Committee who has promoted and advanced the education of collaborative practice in Pennsylvania. 

Zanita is above all else, a peacemaker.  She has dedicated her professional practice to helping individuals and families resolve issues peacefully, with dignity and respect. She is an experienced and compassionate attorney, mediator, and collaborative professional with over 45 years of experience.

For those of us who have the great honor of calling Z a friend, there is no better example to follow.  After all, if you look at Miriam Webster’s Dictionary under Peacemaker you will see Z’s picture right along side of the late Kevin Scudder.

Congratulations to our friend and colleague on this well deserved honor.

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