As we approach the end of summer it is time to review your marketing plan and make sure we are doing things right. I believe that if you aren’t getting Collaborative cases one of the reasons could be you aren’t marketing correctly. Or maybe you just aren’t good at converting cases into Collaborative.
I ask myself, why is it that some attorneys are getting lots of cases and others aren’t? I know that there are some attorneys who are running successful out of court practices. What are they doing right?
What are the common traits of those who are getting cases? First, they have made a commitment to stay out of court. They let the entire world know that too. When you talk to them, there seems to be no other option in their minds that family matters should be dealt with outside the court’s grip.
Over the next few weeks, My Collaborative Team will be trying to answer these questions. On Thursday at 1 p.m. Eastern we invite you to join us for our Advanced Training Series. Shawn Weber will present on “Reaching Diverse Markets for a Thriving and Profitable ADR Business. Shawn is a southern California attorney with a thriving ADR practice. His presentation at CPCAL’s recent conference received rave reviews.
Then we invite you to join us on Friday at our Happy Hour at 4:30 p.m. Eastern. We will continue our discussion on this topic and will have a special guest, a young South Florida attorney who clearly has the answer to some of these questions. Her practice in on fire, signing Collaborative cases on a regular basis.
If you have answers to some of the questions I raise, or if you have a story to tell about how you are being successful, either send me your story ([email protected]) or join us this Friday or next Friday at Happy Hour.