What are you doing about your current marketing efforts? Are you stuck in limbo on how you should be marketing in our current society? It can be a confusing time and a challenge to determine where the best place is for you to spend your time and resources when marketing your business. With the help of Collaborative peacemakers across North America, My Collaborative Team has simplified the marketing process for you.
Start on the My Collaborative Team YouTube page, with over 30-hours of Collaborative related content. These videos will help you market and promote the Collaborative Process to potential clients, as well as assist you in becoming the most competent and confident Collaborative professional you can be.
Market yourself to other professionals, who may become referral sources to you, on our weekly CollaBARate happy hour. Join us Friday afternoons from 4:30-5:45 pm EDT and meet peacemakers from across North America as we discuss Collaborative issues, have personal conversation, and enjoy some fun and games. You never know who will be able to refer you work, it has happened many times.
If you are tired of Zoom by the end of the week, show off your expertise and establish yourself as a leader in your community by writing some blogs. Getting published online is a fantastic way to grow your reputation amongst the public and professionals. My Collaborative Team is always happy to publish blogs by members and non-members. All submitted blogs are posted to the My Collaborative Team website, that gets over 3,000 unique hits per month, and published in our newsletter to more than 15,000 family law related professionals across the world.
The most important thing to remember is to never give up. Start with one marketing avenue and become a master at it before adding more to your plate. My Collaborative Team and the entire peacemaking community is here to ensure your success in the Collaborative world, but it’s up to you to reach out for the assistance you may need.