Using AI for Minutes

Using AI for Minutes

From the desk of My Collaborative Team President, Edward S. Sachs, ACP

Recently on Happy Hour we heard that Collaborative professionals in New York are utilizing the AI feature on Zoom team meetings as a means of taking minutes. The notes from the AI printout are taken by one of the team members (or a scribe if you have one) and cleaned up and made into minutes. Randy Heller reported that she finds the AI notes to be quite comprehensive and save significant time in preparing minutes.

This, of course, must be done with the full consent of everyone on the team including the clients.

I would love to hear from others that may be utilizing this technology, and from those of you who may have objections or concerns regarding privacy issues. Either leave your comments, email me at [email protected] or join us this Friday at 4:30 Eastern for Happy Hour where we will continue the discussion.

1 Response

  1. I agree with Randy regarding the Zoom AI feature. I have experience with in it in several settings, including with clients with their permission. I have found the feature to be fairly accurate with only a few revisions/additions needed.