Refining Your Quick Pitch

Refining Your Quick Pitch

Written by My Collaborative Team President, Edward S. Sachs

First impressions are everything. While it is important to have something visually pleasing about you and your practice, it is just as important to ensure your messaging is clear and concise. Are you confident enough to talk about your peacemaking practice for thirty seconds?

I am a Collaborative Financial Neutral. I assist couples in reaching their goals without the need for court intervention during one of the worst periods of their life, their divorce. I help them to better understand their current and future financial situations so that they can make informed and intelligent decisions in trying to achieve their post-divorce goals. I help them build options for settlement in a peaceful and respectful way. I work with a team of professionals that help guide the family through this difficult time with the least amount of heartache possible. 

That is my pitch! What is yours?

One piece of advice that always sticks out to me when thinking of my quick pitch comes from Pauline Tesler. Pauline teaches us that we have to be nimble with our elevator or cocktail party pitches. In order to keep those we are speaking to engaged, we must be prepared to tell the person or people we are speaking to, “What’s in it for them?”.

The basics of your quick pitch should just roll off your tongue with little or no effort. Your confidence and competence with what you are pitching should allow you to quickly adjust your pitch to engage the specific audience you are speaking to. It should be as natural as your answer when someone asks you about your children, or your grandchildren, or your pet. You don’t have to think about your answer, it comes naturally. So should your description of what you do for a living. 

Having trouble thinking of the correct wording for your quick pitch message? Join us on Friday afternoon at 4:30pm EST for our CollaBARate Happy Hour where professionals from across North America will be happy to help you out.

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