As we continue through the dog days of summer, many of you have or will be taking time off for vacations. Taking the time to recharge and reflect on the year so far, while planning out for the rest of the year. At My Collaborative Team one question we are encouraging you all to reflect on is, what are you doing to grow Collaborative Practice in your community? Have you introduced a colleague to the Collaborative Process this year?
Our mission at My Collaborative Team is to provide meaningful, dynamic, powerful, and thought-provoking resources to Collaborative Practice Groups and Practitioners worldwide seeking to transform the process by which people resolve disputes. In the next few months, we will be unveiling more information about our new year-long initiative to integrate new professionals into our community. For now, we are relying on you to find just one new professional who is ready to learn about the Collaborative Process. Our program will start after the completion of the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals 22nd Annual Forum in San Diego, so start scouting out those future Collaborators!
We are the experts and it us up to us to continue to invite new practitioners and professionals into our community. As long as families continue to choose litigation to resolve their disputes, there should be no feeling of competition amongst professionals. We must work together to grow our Collaborative communities and My Collaborative Team is here to help. If you would like to be involved in our programming, please contact us at [email protected]