What makes My Collaborative Team thrive is the involvement from our members and Collaborative Professionals from around the world. Our blog is powered by member contributions. My Collaborative Team’s CollaborEAT! Live is driven by our members and professionals from around North America. The reason we can do what we do is because of you, and now it is time to tell us what else you need!
At My Collaborative Team, our mission is to provide meaningful, dynamic, powerful, and thought-provoking resources to Collaborative Practice Groups and Practitioners worldwide seeking to transform the process by which people resolve disputes. We are a catalyst for change. My Collaborative Team is here to provide marketing and educational opportunities for our members in building more successful Collaborative practices utilizing our digital and virtual marketing outlets.
One of the unique parts of the Collaborative Process and being a Collaborative Professional is the ability to give and receive feedback. It is time for My Collaborative Team to have a debrief! So, now we want to hear from you! Whether you are a member of our group, or not, we want to know what My Collaborative Team can do to help you have the most thriving Collaborative practice possible. Where do you need more support in your practice? What challenges are you having difficulty overcoming? Are you feeling disconnected and disenfranchised from the Collaborative Process? My Collaborative Team is here to help you.
Leave a comment or email us at [email protected] with any feedback, suggestions, or ideas. Together we can make the Collaborative Process the go to process for dispute resolution.