From the desk of My Collaborative Team President, Edward S. Sachs, CPA
December is a time for holidays and family. December is a time for planning for the upcoming year. December is also the time that we take a look back at the past year. December is a time to set our first marketing goals for 2021.
I encourage all of you to begin thinking about your Collaborative marketing. Obviously, this past year has been very unique when it comes to marketing. No one could have imagined what 2020 would bring and as Collaborative professionals we had to be nimble and flexible when it came to our marketing plans. It is time now to look back and decide what worked and what didn’t.
The Founders of My Collaborative Team have already begun this process. We are proud of what we accomplished in 2020. We have brought Collaborative professionals together from all corners of North America. Friendships have been made and business contacts have thrived. Just this past Friday, Bob Merlin announced at Happy Hour that he had gotten a new matter due to new relationships he built through My Collaborative Team. Bob is not the only one.
To kick off 2021, MCT will be focusing on assisting Practice Groups. For those that are struggling we will offer to present our MCT webinar directed at non-Collaboratively trained professionals. Our webinar explains the basic mechanics of the Collaborative process. The goal is to bring more professionals into the fold to help spread the word and bring more Collaborative cases.
For those Practice Groups that are more established but need to be invigorated, we will offer to hold local Happy Hours to bring life to an otherwise stagnant group. We will also provide leadership training to those in need.
We will kick off the new year with an introductory interdisciplinary basic training run by Tampa Bay Collaborative Trainers. Our next virtual training will begin on February 26th. Registration will begin shortly.
And of course, 2021 will bring new webinars focused on making all of us better Collaborative professionals. As I always say, the best way to make Collaborative cases is through competence and confidence. Our goals will always focus on providing opportunities for our members to improve their marketing and practice skills.
Thanks. Ed. Looking forward to continued collaboration!! Thanks for all MCT is doing!
Thanks Ed!
Mark your calendars for the next Tampa Bay Collaborative Trainers MCT-sponsored Introductory Interdisciplinary Collaborative Training! Sessions will take place from 3:00-6:15 Eastern Time (12:00-3:15 Pacific Time) on the dates: 2/16, 2/18, 2/23, 2/25, and 3/2. Space will be limited to 30 participants. Check back soon for registration!