I am writing from my home ‘office’, really a little corner of my living room that I’ve carved out as a work space. It is the fourth or so (who’s counting) week of self-quarantine and I’m looking back over the last few weeks and all that has occurred.
When we were first strongly urged and then later ordered to stay at home, I panicked. What will I do? How will I fill my time? Will my husband (who is also working from home) get on my nerves and vice versa? As an aside, my husband travels regularly for business and now we are both adjusting to him being grounded.
Like many of you may have done, I thought about all the free time I would have to start/finish the projects (both work related and personal) that I’ve been putting off.
Fortunately, the organizations to which I belong rapidly came to the rescue, offering webinars and seminars and Zoom calls. I loaded my calendar with Zoom and other video events—webinars, meetings, Happy Hours.
Pretty soon, the days started flying by-much like they do when life is “normal” and I don’t seem to have time for anything.
I started noticing that I was feeling anxious and stressed. I was jumping from video meeting to video meeting often without a break. I felt tired, emotionally and physically. And it occurred to me that maybe I had been missing the message behind this pandemic (everything happens for a reason, right?). Maybe the point is not to fill my days like I tend to do; maybe the point is to slow down or even to stop.
So, I’ve started to keep my calendar open, not signing up for every online video offering. I’ve been taking walks with my husband and afternoon naps. I’m noticing and hearing the many birds that fly really close to my window every day. I’m cooking and baking more; going paddle boarding at sunset. And noticing. And experiencing.

These are not normal times and there isn’t anything I can do to change that fact or to make things different. The situation is what it is. I have to go with it. So I am adapting, changing, being flexible, slowing down, stopping, breathing, and accepting. What great training for Collaborative Practice!
Mrs. Mazza’s office is located at 12 SE 7th St #704, in Ft. Lauderdale. Contact Mrs. Mazza at (954) 527-4604 or [email protected]