We have covered the IACP Ethical Standards on disclosure, advocacy and good faith negotiations in the Collaborative Process. In this chapter we will discuss Professional Teamwork.
Section 3.4 of the Ethical Standards places the responsibility of managing the Collaborative Process on each Collaborative Professional, both individually and with the other Collaborative Professionals on the team.
This obligation includes the requirement to inform the other professionals of facts or circumstances that are likely to impair or improve the Process, the likelihood of reaching resolution and the ability of the team to work together. Realtors claim their motto is location, location, location. For Collaborative Professionals it is Communicate, Communicate, Communicate.
The Standards further includes the obligation of the professionals to monitor and coordinate the efforts of team members to minimize delay and costs.
Finally, the Standard requires the team to be self-reflective. Team members must make sure that their conduct or any team member’s conduct does not negatively affect the Process.
The Standards further comment on the importance of Communications. “When a Collaborative Professional fails to communicate effectively, that failure can impact the productivity and efficiency of the Collaborative Process.”