Clients want a divorce to be as efficient and effective as possible. Of course, we want this in most things we do. In Collaborative Divorce we are working as a...
Collaborative Divorce: Working As A Team

Clients want a divorce to be as efficient and effective as possible. Of course, we want this in most things we do. In Collaborative Divorce we are working as a...
When you are going through divorce – a time of great hurt and vulnerability – the last thing you want is to have your pain on public display. And yet that is exactly what happens if you and...
From the desk of My Collaborative Team President, Edward S. Sachs, CPA
Usually at Thanksgiving we look back upon the past year to reflect at all that we are thankful for. This year’s reflection is a...
Be The Advocate That Your Business Needs
Writers are often stereotyped as people staring at their computer screens while their spouses nag them about finding a "real...