In my travels talking to practice groups and their leaders, one common theme can be heard. How do we close the sale, especially if we have never had a Collaborative case before? Practitioners want to know how to...
Introducing CollaborEAT!

In my travels talking to practice groups and their leaders, one common theme can be heard. How do we close the sale, especially if we have never had a Collaborative case before? Practitioners want to know how to...
The question of whether a divorce with a history or a presence of domestic violence or intimate partner violence can be handled in the Collaborative Process was answered last Thursday in our first My Collaborative Team webinar, “Addressing...
I still receive calls from attorneys asking if they need to worry about the dependency exemption in their marital settlement agreements. The simple answer is YES!
Despite what many people think, the children’s dependency exemption was...
I appeared at a practice group meeting where there were only three of us in attendance. Waste of a trip? Absolutely not. The information exchanged between the three of us was invaluable in improving my practice...