The below blog is a response from IACP Board Member and MCT Participant, Robert J. Merlin, Esq. in response to Can COVID-19 Impact My Custody? by MCT Participant, Joryn Jenkins, Esq.
A recent litigated...
The below blog is a response from IACP Board Member and MCT Participant, Robert J. Merlin, Esq. in response to Can COVID-19 Impact My Custody? by MCT Participant, Joryn Jenkins, Esq.
A recent litigated...
From the desk of My Collaborative Team President, Edward S. Sachs, CPA.
About 20 minutes into our CollaBARate! Happy Hour on Friday we had a young lady Zoom into the bar and identify herself as...
I am writing from my home ‘office’, really a little corner of my living room that I’ve carved out as a work space. It is the fourth or so (who’s counting) week of self-quarantine and I’m looking back...
As if nurses and doctors aren’t dealing with enough already, now they have to worry about losing their parental rights in the middle of all this mania. In fact, at least one emergency room physician laboring on the...
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