Recent Posts by My Collaborative Team

Responses from a Valued Reader

Over the past several weeks I have written blogs on the importance of the use of the mental health professional in Collaborative matters and the importance of the paradigm shift, or the mindset, needed in the Collaborative Process.  

You Must Use an MHP

From the desk of My Collaborative Team President, Edward S. Sachs, ACP

It is always troubling to me when I hear of Collaborative communities who still don’t utilize a mental health professional in their cases.  

It’s a Mindset!

From the desk of My Collaborative Team President, Edward S. Sachs, ACP

We have been having discussions, both in our Collaborative Introductory Learning Program and at our Happy Hour, about what it takes to become...

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How Does Bias Affect Our Ability to Negotiate

Negotiations come in a variety of forms, from great business deals to salary negotiations to disputes between people, but whatever the negotiation is, it can always be affected by bias. Bias is an inclination or a prejudice towards...

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