This morning, as I walked on the beach, I came across a woman drawing a heart in the sand and filling it with shells. It was beautiful and I was so focused on it as I walked by...
There Is So Much More To See

This morning, as I walked on the beach, I came across a woman drawing a heart in the sand and filling it with shells. It was beautiful and I was so focused on it as I walked by...
The Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals Board of Directors has approved an ambitious fundraising plan that includes seeking corporate sponsorships to help promote the Collaborative Process.
So why should businesses, both big and small, support...
The following piece was written by My Collaborative Team participant, Joryn Jenkins, Esq. Get more information on Joryn Jenkins and all of our participants at
My Collaborative Team prides itself on being an innovative and forward-thinking group of professionals who are always looking for ways to make the Collaborative Process the go-to dispute resolution option for families in need. With this vision in...
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