
Do We Market or Do We Educate?

Miriam Webster defines marketing as the process or technique of promoting, selling and distributing a product or service. It defines educating as training by formal instruction; to provide with information; to persuade or condition to feel, believe, or...

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Changes To The Paycheck Protection Program

On June 2, 2020, the Senate unanimously approved H.R. 7010 (the Bill), a bill that changes several critical terms of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). 

  1. You’ll have longer to repay any loan proceeds...
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How Can We Be Allies?

This past Friday on our CollaBARate Happy Hour! we began a discussion around the IACP and AFCC letters regarding the current issues confronting America after the death of George Floyd.  The question raised is what can we do. ...

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The Benefits of Collaborative Divorce

Marital dissolutions can get ugly and expensive, but they needn’t be. Collaborative divorce has emerged as a way to split up marital estates amicably and creatively, all the while minimizing professional fees and court costs. This approach is...

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