
Sperm Donor Denied Parental Rights

A married same-sex Chemung County (New York) couple can rebuff an effort by a sperm donor to exert parental rights on the daughter born as a result of the arrangement. A midlevel New York appeals court ruled in favor of the...
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Why The New Tax Law May Spur More Divorces

While Republicans may pride themselves on upholding family values, their new tax law could soon lead to a surge in married couples calling it quits. Lawyers are counseling couples considering divorce to do it this year — before a 76-year-old deduction...
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Twins with Different Citizenships

The biggest difference between twin brothers Ethan and Aidan Dvash-Banks is impossible to see: One’s a U.S. citizen, and the other is not. The State Department’s stance on the 16-month-old siblings prompted a federal lawsuit on behalf of their married gay...
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