J. Thomas Oldham of the University of Houston Law Center has posted on SSRN A Survey of Lawyers’ Observations About the Principles Governing the Award of Spousal Support Throughout the United States, 51 Family Law Quarterly 1 (2017).
Here is the abstract:
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Women Filling Vacancies Left by Sexual Harassment
A number of the positions left open by the dismissal of prominent men as the result of sexual harassment and assault allegations have been filled by women.
The men have issued a range of statements in their defense, some admitting to...
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Mennonites Split Over Same-Sex Marriage
The largest conference of Mennonite congregations in the U.S. has officially split from the Mennonite community Monday over concerns that the wider church is beginning to affirm LGBT lifestyles.
The Lancaster Mennonite Conference (LMC) had voted to leave the Mennonite Church...
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Is Your Child Lying to You? That’s Good.
Should parents be troubled when their kids start to deceive them?
Odds are, most of us would say yes. We believe honesty is a moral imperative, and we try to instill this belief in our children. Classic morality tales like “The...
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