There were few groups, if any, that had the presence of My Collaborative Team at this year's Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals annual conference. With over 70% of our participants in attendance, everywhere you looked there was a My...
FACP Conference Registration is Open

Registration has opened for the 7th Annual Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals Conference. This year’s spectacular training event will be held May 16 – 18 at the JW Marriot, Orlando Grande Lakes Hotel. Our theme is Make Cases, Make...
The Sum Of Our Histories: Part 3

In this blog I want to consider four questions raised by Dr. Randy Heller in her recent Advanced Collaborative Training, “”Guess Who’s Coming to the Collaborative Table?” The first question, “Who am I?” was addressed to some degree...
The Sum Of Our Histories: Part 2

In my last blog I wrote about some of the history I bring to the Collaborative table and the significant role it plays in my perspective on the importance of the Collaborative Process. I want to share with...