As we approach the end of summer it is time to review your marketing plan and make sure we are doing things right. I believe that if you aren’t getting Collaborative cases one of the reasons could be...
Is Everything Material?
Our conversation at our last Friday Happy Hour became very spirited over the question of what is material and what isn’t. IACP Ethical Standard 3.1A requires the full and affirmative disclosure of all Material information whether or not...
Navigating Disclosure and Confidentiality in the Collaborative Process
The Collaborative Process offers couples a more amicable and cooperative approach to ending their marriage. Unlike traditional litigation, this process emphasizes transparency, open communication, and mutual respect, with the aim of reaching a fair settlement without the adversarial...
Guided by our Ethical Standards
From the desk of My Collaborative Team President, Edward S. Sachs, ACP
One thing becomes quite apparent during our Friday Happy Hour discussions. While we learn that Collaborative Practice is different all-over North America, the one...