
Heads or Tails?

What do you do when you think you are settled, and one last issue pops up?

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Blind Collaboration

If we listen to each other, we'll get the whole picture. Then we can begin moving forward with effective decisions that support the entire system -- and every individual that is touched by it.

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We Are a Catalyst For Change

My Collaborative Team produces and distributes the #1 weekly newsletter and directory for Collaborative Professionals.

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Mutual destruction

What's your divorce look like?

Most people know what happens in a divorce: one spouse files a petition, serves the other spouse, and the battle begins.

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For Your Family

Protect your children

Do you want to protect your children from the poison of a litigated divorce? There is an alternative. Explore the benefits of a collaborative divorce

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Collaborative Law

What's the difference?

Do you want a stranger to decide the terms of your divorce settlement and how much time you spend with your children? There is an alternative. Explore the benefits of a collaborative divorce

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What My Collaborative Team Does

Our mission is to provide meaningful, dynamic, powerful, and thought-provoking resources to Collaborative Practice Groups and Practitioners worldwide seeking to transform the process by which people resolve disputes. We are a catalyst for change. My Collaborative Team is here to provide marketing and educational opportunities for our members in building more successful Collaborative practices utilizing our digital and virtual marketing outlets.

Kathy Campbell

1901 S. Bascom Ave., Ste 1550, Campbell, California, United States 95008

Practicing family law attorney since 2002, Kathy helps tailor outcomes to each families’ unique needs. As a Certified Family Law Specialist* who stays out of courtrooms, she uses Understanding-Based Mediation and Powerful Non-Defensive Communication to help Bay Area families through their divorce. Kathy is drawn to work with LGBTQI+ families, especially when gender-related conflict is part of the conversation. Kathy has been working with Insight Mediation since her initial training in January 2021. She has presented at several conferences on Insight Mediation and how family law cases can benefit.

Kathy served as Collaborative Practice California President from 2023-2024 and received a Eureka Award for her contributions to collaborative practice in 2021. She has also served on the Boards of the San Mateo and Santa Clara County Collaborative Practice groups. She completed the International Academy of Collaborative Professional’s 2021-2022 Leadership Academy. She frequently presents at family law conferences and started a collaborative practice mentor group to help other professionals develop their conflict resolution skills. Recently she taught her first conflict-resolution class to high school students and expects to continue sharing at other Bay Area high schools.

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