What My Collaborative Team Does
Our mission is to provide meaningful, dynamic, powerful, and thought-provoking resources to Collaborative Practice Groups and Practitioners worldwide seeking to transform the process by which people resolve disputes. We are a catalyst for change. My Collaborative Team is here to provide marketing and educational opportunities for our members in building more successful Collaborative practices utilizing our digital and virtual marketing outlets.
MCT distributes the world's number one Collaborative newsletter.
In depth and dynamic webinars to build your best collaborative practice!
MCT offers opportunities to our members to create a more successful Collaborative Practice
Financially supporting the marketing efforts of Collaborative organizations.
Written content is one of the most effective forms of marketing.
Most people know what happens in a divorce: one spouse files a petition...
1770 NE 191 St. #405 Miami, Florida, United States 33179
Edward Sachs is a Certified Public Accountant and Accredited Collaborative Professional.
After 25 years of representing spouses in litigated divorces, in 2016, Mr. Sachs opened his own accounting practice dedicated to the Collaborative Process and other alternatives to litigation in settling financial issues in divorce and business.
Ed is a Past President of the Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals (FACP) and is a member of three practice groups in Miami-Dade, Broward and South Palm Beach counties. He currently serves as the President of My Collaborative Team, the not-for-profit publisher of the #1 distributed weekly Collaborative Family Law Newsletter in North America.
Mr. Sachs has trained countless professionals throughout Florida in the Collaborative Process and has taught Collaborative Ethical Standards for the past three years at the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals Annual Forum.
IACP Member: