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Susan E. Keyes, Esq.

Susan Keyes
7700 North Kendall Drive Suite 300-B Miami, Florida, United States 33156

Susan Keyes is an attorney licensed to practice law in Florida, an Accredited Collaborative Family Law Attorney and a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator. She has practiced extensively in the area of family law for more than 30 years. She is the immediate past President of the Miami practice group, Collaborative Family Law Institute, where she also served as Secretary and co-chair of membership. She serves on the FACP Board, is the co-chair of the Practice Group Committee for FACP and is a member of IACP.  Susan restricts her practice to non-adversarial, solution-based methods of resolution, such as collaborative divorce and pro-se, pre-suit mediation as a vital member of the mediation firm Divorce Without War®.  Susan earned her Doctor of Jurisprudence from the George Washington University in 1988 and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Tulane University in 1985.  Susan is also certified as a Parenting Coordinator and has been involved in organizations which provide services to children. She has been married for 32 years and is the mother of two daughters.

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