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Sallie Mullins Thompson

4703 Woodway Lane NW, District of Columbia, United States 20016

Sallie Mullins Thompson started her financial services practice in 1996 and provides assistance to professionals, families, and small business owners in accounting setup/oversight; tax compliance; budgeting/cash flow projections; income/asset protection; investments; and college, retirement, and transition planning. Since the pandemic she delivers all offerings virtually. Through education, empathy, enthusiasm, and passion, as a comprehensive financial planner; investment adviser; tax strategist; and divorce financial/tax analyst, Sallie helps her clients navigate all aspects of their finances and taxes, so they can live life the way they want.

Before beginning her financial services practice, Sallie spent 20 years with IBM in NYC and Houston as a system engineer, project manager, and marketing representative working in the banking industry. Sallie has a special interest in families who are navigating the divorce process and helps them create a financial map for their future. She wants all their
particular details to be covered, both parties to end up with enough money to live, and there to be no losers. That way everyone is OK and ready to go.
Since taxes are the biggest drag on people having the money they need, Sallie quantifies all tax ramifications for financial decision-making. Thus, working with her can result in more cash, less taxes to pay, and additional income for major purchases, education funds, retirement, and legacies.

Her professional organizations include: AICPA, NYSSCPA, FPA NYC Metro, ADFP, IDFA, FDMC NYC, NYSCDM, NYACP, IACP, DCACP, VaCP, CPNV

Other things that Sallie does:
• Guides women in planning for their own retirement
• Provides pro bono financial planning to underserved populations
• Advocates for women business owners in tax & capital access areas
• Instructs small business owners in the NYC FastTrac program
• Supports Not-For-Profits – over 25 years
• Serves as Treasurer on FamilyKind board of directors

Sallie’s personal interests are animal rights, performing arts, history, politics, and public policy issues that affect women. She is mother to daughter Kathryn and doting grandmother to Thomas and Parker who live in Washington, DC. Sallie lives there, too, with her adorable cat, Snuggles.

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