As I sit in on presentations across the country and chat with Collaborative Professionals from many different communities, I am often left with questions to ponder and one from this last week’s Happy Hour has carried with me...
About: Eric Sachs
Recent Posts by Eric Sachs
Where Else?
WHERE ELSE can you go and have your Collaborative questions answered by a panel of Collaborative experts covering all three disciplines from around North America?
WHERE ELSE can you go and listen to those experts...
Martin Luther King Quotes for Your Contemplation
Written by My Collaborative Team President, Edward S. Sachs, ACP
On this holiday celebrating the great Dr. Martin Luther King I wanted to share a few quotes that might just apply to our Collaborative practices.
Let’s Be Honest About Our Marketing
What are you doing about your current marketing efforts? Are you stuck in limbo on how you should be marketing in our current society? It can be a confusing time and a challenge to determine where the best...
Recent Comments by Eric Sachs
- September 27, 2021 on Control Your Own Destiny Without Court