Fixed Fee Divorce

My Collaborative Team is excited to announce the launching of our Fixed Fee Collaborative Divorce program in South Florida. Our program has four different price points depending upon the complexity of the matter. Here’s how the Process works.

Interested parties will be interviewed by either a Neutral Financial Professional or a Neutral Facilitator. They will be explained the process and the requirements of the fixed fee program. The main purpose of this interview is to determine if the facts and circumstances of the divorce allow for a low conflict resolution. The various pricing models are dependent on the clients doing significant homework in providing documents, preparing and understanding their goals, and their willingness to cooperate with the neutrals.

In most cases, the parties will have already met with their Collaborative attorney. If so, the attorneys are consulted by the neutral and if a positive recommendation is made, the clients will then be required to take the Separation Divorce Readiness Indicator test online. This test costs $150 and is administered by Sue Cook, a Canadian mental health professional. Based on the results of SDRI and the neutral interview, parties are provided with a qualifying pricing level.

If the clients have not yet chosen their Collaborative attorney, after the neutral interview, they will be provided a list of four participating attorneys to choose from. The attorneys then chose the appropriate neutrals from our pool of participants. The Collaborative Participation Agreement as well as individual professional agreements are discussed with the parties and signed via email. The fixed fee is then paid directly to each of the Participating Professionals.

The key to the success of the fixed fee project is preparation. After the participation agreements are signed the neutrals begin meeting with the clients, collecting information and educating the clients. The clients are given a notebook with guides for helping them gather information, define and understand their goals and help determine what is best for the children.

The financial neutral should be ready to provide comprehensive financial information and the facilitator should have an initial draft parenting plan and should have flushed out the client’s goals by the time the first team meeting is held. In more complex matters, this level of preparation may not occur until the second meeting.

Attorneys in fixed fee matters must rely on and trust the neutrals. Email and phone communications are vital, and the case must be driven that way.

The four pricing models are as follows:

Basic: One team meeting. Simple financial issues. Usually no children. $12,500

Level II: Two team meetings. No significant children or financial issues. $18,000

Level III: Three team meetings. Some issues with either children or finances or both. $24,000

Level IV: Three team meetings. More complicated financial issues $30,000

The parties must also pay a $500 administration fee to MCT.

We are excited to further announce that we are beginning our first fixed fee case with two members of our military, one on active duty as a Major and the other a reservist. They have a fairly simple financial structure and two children. They have qualified for the $18,000 two meeting level.

If you are interested in being a Participating Professional of My Collaborative Team and a qualified participant in our Fixed Fee program, please contact us at [email protected]..